“Redefining Asylum Policy in Europe: Addressing Root Causes and Building Bridges for Long-term Solutions”

Sophie Visser
2 min readJun 21, 2023


Recent reports have highlighted concerns over rising levels of violence against citizens at European cities by those seeking refuge. While these incidents are concerning and must be taken seriously, it’s essential not to jump to conclusions or use them to justify policies that undermine human rights and international law. Instead, the situation presents an opportunity to reevaluate Europe’s approach to protecting vulnerable individuals fleeing persecution while ensuring safety and security within communities.

First, addressing root causes of conflicts inside migrant shelters should be prioritised. Overcrowding and lengthy waits for legal processing often result in frustration and desperation among asylum-seekers. Increasing funding for integration programmes aimed at language proficiency and job training could alleviate tensions and instil a sense of purpose. This would support both the individuals themselves and host nations.

Second, improving conditions outside refugee facilities through engagement with local populations is crucial. Encouraging community outreach initiatives helps foster understanding and solidarity between new arrivals and settled residents. Strengthening relationships via shared experiences would reduce fears fuelled by negative media portrayals of refugees. Moreover, implementing inclusive education projects focusing on cultural sensitivity and mutual respect would benefit young locals as well as children arriving from distant lands.

Third, bolstering trustworthiness of asylum processes requires unwavering adherence to international law principles. To ensure fair adjudications, sufficient resources for legal aid services must be allocated alongside rigorous monitoring of decision-making procedures to prevent any potential biases. These steps would help guarantee credibility and legitimacy for national authorities dealing with complex refugee cases.

